It’s time to take our seat at the table.

This blog is a resource for OB/GYNs to help them overcome the many struggles of their critical role. I aim to upload a new article every month, but may not have time due to being one myself.

It’s challenging to be an Ob/Gyn right now.

In fact, that is an understatement. As a field, we are battered on all sides. The decreasing reimbursements for what we do. The mistrust on the part of our patients. The fickle malpractice judgments that can lead us on the hook for millions of dollars when we’ve done nothing wrong. The long and grueling hours. The political restrictions on the care we are allowed to provide. The lack of status compared to other surgeons. Why did we go into this field, again? The purpose of this site is to be a resource page so that Ob/Gyns can come together, share resources and experiences, and learn from one another so that we can take back our field and survive as we take care of our patients!